Critical and scientific articles (italian comments):


08/09/16 Medical ethics journal lays out case for "organ donation euthanasia" (Lifesitenews) Editor PDF
05/01/16 Student dies 9 months after she fell into a coma while having routine surgery and sparked end-of-life legal battle (DailyMail) PDF
30/11/15 Brain death is a utilitarian concept used to facilitate organ transplantation (Abyssum) M.D. Paul A. Byrne PDF
03/10/14 Brain-dead girl reignites debate over death (Associated Press) by Paul Elias                                                                                    PDF
27/04/12 Two secular positions opposing donation by David W. Evans and David J. Hill - document sent to KAO's congress PDF
30/03/12 Signs of Life - ‘The Undead,’ by Dick Teresi (The New York Times) by Elizabeth Royte PDF
26/03/12 Seeing Bogeymen in the Fog Around Brain Death (The New York Times) by Abigail Zuger PDF
01/08/11 The Big State gone mad? Drivers will be pressured over organ donation before they can have a licence (Mail Online) by L. E. PDF
12/07/11 Brown's fury at the use of  his sick son's medical files by News International as it's revelated by The Sun (Mail Online) PDF
12/05/11 ‘Brain dead’ woman recovers after husband refuses to withdraw life support ( by C. Dhanagom PDF
06/01/11 Organ Consent (Daily Telegraph) Dr. David J. Hills, Dr. David W. Evans, Nicholas Blyth PDF
01/12/10 ATTENTION - DANGER - Organ wagons to make house calls (My Fox New York) Editor PDF
10/04/10 Organs removed without consent after it blunder  ( by Patrick Hennessy and Laura Donnelly PDF
04/02/10 Patient in a vegetative state 'talks' to scientists (Mail Online) by Jenny Hope PDF
03/02/10 Willfull modulation of brain activity in disorder of consciousness (T. N. E. J. M.) By Adrian M. Owen Ph. D. and others PDF
23/11/09 Belgian says he was alert but mote for 23 years ( Editor PDF
18/09/09 Organ Donation Crash Course in the ICU ( by Rajashri PDF
23/07/09 Diagnosis comas: unlucky for some ( ) Editor                                                                                                            PDF
18/11/08 Taskforce opposes 'presumed consent' for organ donors ( by Sarah Boseley PDF
11/06/08 'Back from dead' case stuns doctor ( and ) by Estelle Shirbon in Paris PDF
20/07/07 Interview to Terry and Michael Jecobs, Greg's parents deceived for harvesting organs (Fox 5 Story) by Mary Garofalo         PDF
09/06/03 Repeated graft loss caused by recurrent hepatic artery thrombosis after liver transplantation (Policl. S. Orsola) M. Vivarelli    PDF


Giornalisti e Associazioni 
che attingono a questa fonte sono tenuti ad indicare quanto riportato di seguito:

"Lega Nazionale Contro la Predazione di Organi e la Morte a Cuore Battente" Indirizzo: Pass. Canonici Lateranensi, 22 - 24121 Bergamo (ITALIA)
Tel. 035-219255, Fax 035-235660,