24121 BERGAMO Pass. Canonici Lateranensi, 22
Tel. 035-219255 - Telefax 035-235660
C.C.P. 18066241
nata nel 1985
November 2011
XVIII Anniversary of the explant of Paolo Mondo
My son Paolo was butchered at the age of 19 while his heart was still beating and after having been abandoned for four hours in the corridor of the Accident and Emergency ward in a Trieste Hospital. He was then taken to the Intensive Care Ward of the Cattinara Hospital, not to try and save his life. The explants carried out on my son were unjust and cruel. If he had been treated he would be alive now and he would be 37 years old. Criminals made the decision to end his life and got us, his mother and his father, both numbed with pain, an illegal donation signature “to cover their ass”.
Utilitarian ideology is
disseminated as solidarity. This is a cultural falsehood a deception run by the
Health affairs committee of the transplant and forced experimentation industry
both of which supremely rule over the human beings transformed into laboratory
animals and goods. Sickness and death are portrayed as
bogeymen so
they can bend our will as they please.
They are not interested in us,
they are only interested in business and research.
Cunning and reception generate hate, not love. In private transplanters declare
“even if they are not dead they are dying”. For them it is a question of
utility. In this way the government saves money on cranial trauma and coma
patients and so uses them on the transplant market and the industry surrounding
it which creates jobs and opens a multimillion pound market.
They butchered my son Paolo: I hate them.
I HATE the mentally deranged mob from the transplant body (anesthetists,
explanters, transplanters, neurphysiopathologists, nurses, coordinators ...).
They should all be under observation in a psychiatric ward. If they do not
suffer from mental illness then they are vile.
I HATE all those doctors who know and who keep silent, incapable of claiming to
I HATE organ recipients, they knowingly feed on other people's lives,
like cannibals.
I HATE the patients on the waiting lists, unconcerned about the homicide, who
“pray” for an accident to happen.
I HATE the relatives who don’t hesitate to ask sacrifices of others in the
illusion that they are saving their loved one.
I HATE the associations which promote deceptive information and which are
financed by the government.
I HATE the Italian parliament which voted for and imposed false “brain death”
with a beating heart.
I HATE all those who willingly disseminate propaganda after the explant of their
loved one receiving the names of the people who received the organs as an
illegal prize. This information is denied to those who speak out against
explants. To know that my son`s organs could still be pulsating, like slaves
inside greedy bodies, is torture and prevents me from closing a dreadful chapter
of my life. I hate this society which is responsible for these horrors.
And above all I HATE THEM because I didn’t know what the word HATE meant before
all this happened.
Silvana Mondo – Paolo's mother
Consigliera Nazionale
Lega Nazionale Contro la Predazione
di Organi e la Morte a Cuore Battente
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