Biological slavery


  9 August 2007
Max Bondì,
general surgeon
Lega antipredazione organi-Bergamo PassC.Later..,22

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British Medical Journal
Re: Biological sklavery




While in the phagocytic process and in the cannibalism the phagocytized subject is digested and therefore destroyed and only remains the energy deriving from his fission, it is quite different what happens in the explant-transplant process. Organs and tissues taken off from the alive and breathing Subject are replaced in another organism and obliged to work in extremely difficult conditions ( rejection with the anti-immune- depression treatment) . In this way two very important actions against Nature are perpetrated. The first one is the explant which determines definitely the death of the subject. The second is the chronic pathological state of the transplantated subject in a permanent rejection situation . Two extremely grave actions against Nature for the actors of this drama, that should be forbidden by Law. So Humanity in his ignorance exceeds considerably the Immorality of Nature(Mors tua vita mea) through the Biological Slavery application. An organ is compelled to work for another subject with all the annexed implications of cellular and genetic suffering. In fact the Genetics of the explant-transplant is still unknown; we do not know absolutely what may happen joining different DNA in the long run and in the following generations. It is likely to think that joining different DNA some negative interactions may occur in the long run.

prof.dr. Max Bondì

l.d. Pat.chir.prop.clin.Univ.La Sapienza-Roma


General surgeon Sydney

Chief scientific committee

of League against the predatory organs and the beating heart death. President; Nerina Negrello-24100 Bergamo-Pass.C.Lateranensi,22 -Italy Ph.-035-219255

Competing interests: None declared




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